I ve been having trouble sleeping with lots of odd sorts of small itchy or slightly pained spots. Quickly, they leave and i often think theres a bug walking on me. No sign of hives, though I ve extreme allergic reaction to shellfish and it does feel a lot like the day after an event in that it s sort of prickly here , there and almost anywhere. Also, I m waking with almost a feeling of dread; like a panic attack without the more physical parts and if I just turn on the light and read, I ve no symptom. Next, I ve some sinus infection I think, left over from a cold two weeks ago which still makes what ever ear is down, begin to ache after an hour or so on the pillow. The lower sinus first fills and nose breathing to the low side stops. Up and around an hour, there are no symptoms of this. Lack of sleep is the crushing effect.