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Toothache, dont remind me, I have nightmares of it. Whatever the problem, most of the times the tooth shall be plucked and then replaced either as a whole or in parts. I am really very irritated by this method of practice.
I have the same thing except its just starting now...You've said you've had it for years? i'm very scared to get it checked out, i can deal with the pain if thats all it causes...have you had any other complications?
i just had an abcessed tooth removed yesterday and was not given a prescription for antbiotics or pain..luckily i had some pain pills at home.but now what
An abscessed tooth can bring about a cascade of very dangerous events. An abscess is a fluid filled cavity of infection similar to a water balloon that is filled with infection (pus) instead of water. When bacteria from the tooth travel through the root system, they come out into the bone where the abscess forms. This infection needs to get out, so it will often tunnel through the bone and come out in a fistula (the little bump on your gums that bleeds or oozes pus). It will sometimes go away on its own, but will always return until the source of the infection is treated via root canal or tooth extraction. If left alone, the infection that is in your bone can travel into your blood stream and cause a systemic infection or more specifically an infection in your heart or brain. THIS CAN KILL YOU! Do not let it go untreated any longer. Check out this link for a related story. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/27/AR2007022702116.html
I hope this helps.
BTW- I AM a dentist. :)
An abscessed tooth can bring about a cascade of very dangerous events. An abscess is a fluid filled cavity of infection similar to a water balloon that is filled with infection (pus) instead of water. When bacteria from the tooth travel through the root system, they come out into the bone where the abscess forms. This infection needs to get out, so it will often tunnel through the bone and come out in a fistula (the little bump on your gums that bleeds or oozes pus). It will sometimes go away on its own, but will always return until the source of the infection is treated via root canal or tooth extraction. If left alone, the infection that is in your bone can travel into your blood stream and cause a systemic infection or more specifically an infection in your heart or brain. THIS CAN KILL YOU! Do not let it go untreated any longer. Check out this link for a related story. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/27/AR2007022702116.html
I hope this helps.
BTW- I AM a dentist. :)