1. before opting for alternate approach, make sure your
fertility specialist has ruled out any uterine abnormality/
incompetent cervix, immunological disorder,
Thyroid profile and blood sugar along with any lifestyle problem [cigarettes, alcohol,drugs, environmental toxins]
PS. since you are undergoing tests, thus hopefully they will do necessary Investigations
2. the best step to treat any fertility problem is to contact a specialist [which you have done]
PS. According to Helen Kim [reproductive endocrinologist]: Research suggests that
acupuncture may be helpful to couples undergoing in-vitro fertilization (IVF), but it cannot be taken for granted,whether it can improve fertility in general. Although smaller studies show promising results, more research is needed before we can say for sure that this age-old therapy can help you get pregnant.
3. Acupuncture is effective in reducing
stress. Since stress has been shown to interfere with getting pregnant, it makes sense that reducing stress through acupuncture could theoretically improve odds of conceiving.
PS. If you do decide to try acupuncture, look for a certified acupuncturist, many of whom are also medical doctors