welcome to our site
read your query
that is a very significant question
and i appreciate your problem
i will try my best to answer your query
from your query it seems that the
MRI of brain was done only once and
was never repeated
i would suggest that the MRI be repeated once, with the screening of the entire spine
because sometimes the changes in the MRI occur late
and are not picked up initially
of course there is the diagnoses of TIA where the changes never happen
i wish you were here to examine
neurological diagnosis need a good history and examination
you have given a good history
but lot cannot be diagnosed without examination
i would also suggest a NCV of your limbs
there is a possibility of neuropathy that needs to be ruled out
and MS is a definite possibility
i am assuming that in doing so much
you were tested for
thyroid and
diabetes and the tests were normal
if not tested, please have them tested
along with vitamin B 12 levels
i hope this helps you
inform the reports mentioned above (if any)
so i can be of help further
best of luck
(please do understand that some problem remains as
online texting cuts down history and examination
thereby reducing the effect and efficiency
and increases reliance on tests)