Thanks for the query
Gall stone with fatty infiltration of liver is very common now a days because of the dietary habits
If multiple small stones are there then chances of obstrction in the bile duct following jaunice and sometimes
pancreatitis are there.
As you are having single stone with no
cholecystitis and no cholangitis means no thickening or inflammation of the
gall bladder or duct , there is no emergency of the surgery but you may require it later on
Follow ups are very important to see the size of the stone and gall bladder inflammation
Diet control is very important , cut off sugar , salt and oily food
Regular exercise and diet control will prevent the size of the stone to increase
Ursodeoxycholic acid helps to resolve the
cholesterol stone but should be taken under your doctor's guidance and prescription.
In calcified stones it should not be given
Take care
Any further query is most welcome