Hi, I was feeling bubble in right side of lower stomach.So,I went for complete checkup(CBP,lipid profile,thryoide,Kidely test,urine test and full stomach abdoman. reports says- fatty kidney grade-2,high coloestrol(Border line), hab1c = 8.5 %, fast blood suger - 119,post lunch was 240. when I have consulted physiscan,they have given - one tablet related to kidney boostup for 1 month,gluconorm Sr for 1 month and STORFIB 145 for 3 month.they ask me to change lifestyle(diet and excersie) After 3 month, again i went checkup for boold sugar test and lipid profile.There was no much change in lipid profile result .So,they again ask me to contimue STOFIB 145 for 3 month.Now, again I went for FBS/PLBS,lipid profile,this time, colostrol level is OK,HAB1C - 5.75 %,still,they ask me to contiue storfib 145 for next 3 month. I am 35 years old,wight was initally 70 kg and now it is 67 kg.hieght is 5 5 . I am not sure,if i am daibetic or not,or pre diabetic or why colestrol is to high..I am feeling no other issue,in general.I am doing 3-4 day gym(running and cycling) for 30-45 minute per week. I am wondering if I did mistake for taking Gluconorm SR for one month? Please adbvise....