Hi Doctor,
I am 28 years old female facing anxiety issues, I get panic attacks offen from past 1 and a half years. I couldn't tolerate the pain & discomfit I face on that time. I am facing this problem after I got delivered a baby, After delivery 6 months everything was normal & then I used to experience mild attacks & then it increased to worst. I got my first attack when I heard abt my dad’s heart attack(this was before my marriage-2 and half years before). After that I realized this after 6 months of my delivery. And also i get this attacks when I see any death or sad news in tv or heard by someone etc… Sometimes without seasons I get this experience. I feel the height of fear & heartbeat gets faster, stomach discomfort & need to rush to toilet immediately. Sometimes shortness of breath & daziness. Shoulders & Hands Pain. I feel any moment I can die. I consulted a psychiatrist before 4 months back. She has adviced me to take 2 tablets for 1 week, i took the same, when i was using those tablets it was more worst panic attacks i use to get. I was totally lost my concentration power & interest to do things. So i have stopped that. Few days were fine again its started mildly, then now i am getting this panic attacks regularly. I am very scared i want to get rid of this disease as soon as possible. I have 2.8 year old kid. I want to live my life happily. Please doctor suggest me something useful how to get rid of this panic attacks permanently without any medication. Any diet plan for this? What are the changes I need to bring in my life. Please help me doctor. I need your help. Pls........
Thanks in Advance.