Dear Dr Chetna I m a female of 31 and I stopped using the nuvaring last month and got my artificial period on 7 march, I think I had my ovulation on 24 March as I did an ovulation test and the lh hormone was on its highest peak on 22 and 23 March and the lh hormone was not detected on the 24th of March. I had sex with my husband on the 24th. Since a little more than a week ago I feel often during the day dizzy, queasy, nauseous, I have to pee often, I have some occasionally slight brownish blood loss (just barely, only drops) and stomache cramps and some days constipation and other days the opposite of that, however I have no sore breasts and I don t feel particularly more tired. Could I be pregnant or are these symptoms of getting of the nuva ring? I did a test yesterday and one today but both were negative. Could it be too early to detect anything. I hope you can advise me, thank you!!!! Best regards, Nicole