As you may be knowing, conventional medicine method for removing cancer is the suppression of body immune system.
Smoking of Meth and its agents, although you smoke in little or small size, - helps suppress body immune system such as lymphatic system; and as time passes, B Cells and T Cells - Lymphocytes and
Phagocytes - go to destroy and destruction.
Based on above mentioned notes, you must be trying to restructure your Lymphatic system and remove your
lymphadenopathy problem. The best way for doing this is to serve a teaspoon of sublingual Honey Bee Royal Jelly in the morning, one hour before serving breakfast + chewing of half gram of
Propolis - divided in equal chunks - half an hour as TDS till it reaches to pungent taste in your mouth. After this, swallow the propolis with some water.
Because, the prior mentioned material have anti x-ray and cancer properties; so, after taking about one week, you'll find this prescribed methods helpful.