1. As the problem is chronic and most
home remedies tried, didn't yield sufficient result, thus probably disease has progressed to chronic rhino
sinusitis, and probably require
second opinion from ENT specialist.
2. As attacks are frequent and occur every winter thus:
i. take high protein diet, such as: egg (white), soyamilk, pumpkin, squash, watermelon, peanuts, almonds, legumes, sprouted pulses/cereals, milk with protein powder [since blockage of nose is an issue thus yogurt and beans are not recommended] and deep breathing Exercises [anulom vilom]
ii. Vitamin A: helps to maintain
Thymus gland which is a powerful
antiviral gland: thus mango, carrots, cantaloupe, egg yolk, apricots, pumpkin, papaya, are ideal.
ii. Vitamin C: is needed for proper functioning of immune system: amla is best
iii. Vitamin E: is a powerful anti oxidant which helps to stimulate antibody production: peanuts, dried apricots, cooked spinach, taro root can be taken.
iv. Vitamin B is important for the activity of phagocytes: eggs, cheese, pistachio, raw garlic, sunflower and sesame oil.
v. You may ask for prescription drugs like: Mahalakshmi vilas ras, chitrak haritki, vyoshadi churan, sitopladi churan.
vi. You can take vegetable soup which will help thin mucus and promote nasal
drainage, and don't consume caffeine contained beverages as they lead to
dehydration and nasal blockage.
PS. Since knowing our limitations, your ENT Doctor is in better position for further prognosis, but Preventive and Prophylactic treatment and Management has been provided.