I want to inform you that, I was suffering from pain on my both breast. After consulting with my doctor on dated 29.5.13, and he advise me to take cap. “Primosa-1000” daily (1 cap. ODPC X 3 months) After taking approx 45 days I was feeling better (the lumps are reducing in size in both breast) and all is going well but in the mean time, I got pregnant (first time) in the month of July’ 14. As per discussion with my Genealogist, she asked me to stop the course immediately because no existing course will be continuing during pregency. Then I stop taking the same. Now my baby is 2 months old, and am feeling that the “lumps” are still present both breast with little pain (more big in size & harder) Now may I start taking Primosa-1000 to continue the course? Please advise!