Hi Welcome to HCM
I have gone through your query and found that you are going to be trapped in a never ending vicious circle of check-ups and diagnosis . Due to weakened immune sytem person falls prey to one trouble or another . It is indeed a matter of great concern .
you should never never ignore . Proper guidance will give you right guidance .
A cancer may cause symptoms like fever, extreme
tiredness (fatigue), or
weight loss. This may be because cancer cells use up much of the body’s energy supply, or they may release substances that change the way the body makes energy from food.
Cancer can also cause the immune system to react in ways that produce these signs and symptoms.
For your treatment never forget to take 2nd or 3rd opinion also from specialists , if it is required . For your health nothing is more important .
To srtengthen immune system of your body you have to take care of few points which not only serve as preventive but also as curative measure .
Because proper nutrition is an integral part of a healthy immune system, the kitchen is the perfect place to find natural
home remedies to boost your disease-fighting abilities.
Include simple nutritious food including fibers , minerals ,vitamins , protien Antioxidents like ginger , garlic ,Onion , coconut water , green veges and fruit like guave , Almond , carrot Curd , strengthens white blood cells and helps the immune system produce
antibodies .
vitamin E & C ,
Folic acid & zinc also are major players in the integrity of the immune system , to be taken in right quantity .
Avoid fried , fast foods tea , coffee alcohol
constipation as you know it is root cause of all ills
Should take a level T spoon of turmeric with a cup of hot milk with breakfast and at bed time and almond oil with it , is a great antioxidant and relieves mental tention .
Lemon juice in a glass of water before every meal gives strength and immunity
By following this regimen regularly , and regular checkup and treatment by your physician will lead to road to goog health , gives assurance of sound health ahead .
Make exercise integeral part of your regimen as it plays an important role to help immune system to produce antibodies to boost disease - fighting abilities.
Do Walk , Yoga , Pranayam , Deep Breathing , and Kapalbhatti ,& Exercise to strengthen your rsystem
Try to relax. If stress causes you to lose your cool, you could be impairing your immune system shrinking your thymus gland, creating major problems in you
So mental worry and axiety should be avoided at any cost . Take good night relaxed sleep .
You said node biopsy came out benign is good news .If platelets are from above 1.50 - 420 are fine
Hope this will solve your query ,Take care .Wish you All the best .
Don't hesitate to get back if have any further query