Thanks for posting in HCM.
Symptoms you are experiencing like
abdominal pain and loss of appetite could be associated with
jaundice, as you are suspecting.
However, clinically it needs to be detected by examination of sclera in day light. Jaundice causes yellowish discoloration of skin and mucosa due to increased
bilirubin levels in serum. Due to this, during the illness, you also pass high colored urine.
Once suspected, jaundice needs to be proved at least by laboratory test called as '
Liver function test'. It is mainly diagnosed by Total and Direct bilirubin levels along with enzyme levels in serum.
Hence you need to be clinically evaluated by Physician first followed by Liver function test done in the laboratory for confirmation.
Based on the results, you would be appropriately treated.
Hope the information provided would be helpful.
All the best.