Hallow Dear,
Any sort of Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases lead to the swelling of all the organs in the
pelvic cavity which ultimately result in adhesions of these organs.
The main symptoms are of course pain in abdomen, deep
pain during intercourse after the insertion, heavy menstrual flow with pain and
infertility. Many other varied symptoms may show which are beyond the scope of listing.
Being non-STD, it would be other type of infection. In the acute phase, it may be associated with fever also. It needs a treatment of antibiotics along with anti-inflammatory medicines. After the infection is controlled, if still the pain and heavy menses persist, a review for presence of adhesions is needed.
Laparoscopy and/or
laparotomy can be diagnostic as well as therapeutic as during the process the adhesions can be severed.
If there is any vaginal foul smelling discharge, please submit it for culture and sensitivity test to identify the causative organisms and the antibiotics to which they are sensitive. The antibiotics may be planned accordingly.
I hope this helps you.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri