Hi, I injured my foot (once bent my toes way back almost to my shine, second incident was falling straight down into an empty swimming pool, mainly felt it im my heel though) and the floor never completely healed, relative to pain, not use. But in the past 6-8 months my foot and now calf pain have increased and now I have paresthesia in my whole foot and calf, most notable when in bed and sitting down. My toes hurt for awhile, then my arch hurts (one of the areas where pain started), the top of my foot hurts, then the ball of my foot up into my big toe. I always have pain somewhere in my foot. The paresthesia feels almost like electrical current in my foot and calf. The pain is gradually getting worse. I have had X-rays, a CT of my foot and US of the foot. Just show typical arthritic changes (I m 59). Had a CT of my lumbar with contract. Trying to get an MRI of my LLE. Not diabetic. Toes on my rt. foot hurt a little once in awhile making me think I have neuropathy. Seems to be more than that though. Does it sound like something besides peripheral neuropathy?