I read your questions and I understand your concern.
Regarding the question, in your case I think the chances of it having been a
seizure are very high. Of course the bruises are from the fall, but the fall itself was caused by
loss of consciousness during the seizure. The fact that the following EEG showed no abnormality doesn't exclude it, EEG supports the diagnosis when abnormal, but doesn't exclude it if normal because when not seizing many patients could have normal EEGs. Regarding the symptoms they could vary in different seizure types, but total loss of consciousness (the bruises indicate that you were completely uncoscious unable to protect yourself from the fall) is certainly the hallmark of a generalized seizure.
Of course since there were no witnesses one can't be sure, there is a chance the fall came first and caused the loss of consciousness, one should carefully consider the circumstances of how you were found, position, chances of falling from high place. However the fact you had a seizure in the past would be in favor of a seizure being at fault.
What's important now is search for other causes of loss of consciousness like heart
arrhythmia, metabolic changes in blood tests and brain imaging to look for cerebral lesions at the origin of the seizures. An EEG could be repeated later perhaps, cause at times if EEG exam is repeated it could show present abnormalities.
Hope to have answered your question, I wish you good health.