My brother was diagnosed with schizophrenia 28 years ago. I'm just not sure and can't stand not knowing. His symptoms are 1. He is certain gov't (watch our every move, steal our money), doctors (give us stuff to kill us) and lawyers are out to get all of us. 2. Over does everything. If he needs milk, he'll buy 10 gallons. Go to a flea market and buy 1000's of lighters. Got bugs - 40 gallons of treatment will work. 3. Does childish things like race his car (he's 59 yrs old) lights off fireworks in his backyard at 2 a.m.4. Functions well at work, but only hangs with the kind that agree with his everybody is out to get us. 5. Treats his siblings like garbage and my Mom too. We are stupid, lazy, etc except in 4 letter words that the devil would shun. 6. He screams at us if we do not want to talk about illigal immigrants, taxes, medical help etc all day every day. He can fish, go to a cookout, play cards, etc. but we are screamed at if we do the same thing. He is on time to work but no family functions. I don't mean 10 minutes, I mean 2 days. He has no common sense but is/was pretty smart in school. He does not hear voices to our knowledge. Any thughts?