Your cluster of symptoms are suggestive of a viral infection, though it is difficult to say which virus as many of them cause non specific illness and rashes.
However, since you asked about coxsackie virus in particular, about 90% of the time it causes no symptoms or a mild non specific illness. Rest of the times most infections are commoner in younger children and adolescents, than adults.
Your symptoms of the pustules of the lower limbs id suggestive of a disease called hand-foot and mouth disease caused by Coxsackie. Other condition with very painful vesicles in the throat is
herpangina. It is a possibilty that you do indeed have a
coxsackie infection, but it is difficult to prove unless with some advanced blood tests or
skin biopsy of the pustules.
Primary investigations include a
complete blood count which should be suggestive of a viral infection i.e. the
WBC count should be on the lower side of the normal range.
Treatment is symptomatic with
paracetamol for fever and
calamine lotion for the pustules. Antibiotics may sometimes be needed if risk for super added infection is high. Viral infections and coxsackie in particular clear up without any residual debilty in about 1 week.
Hope this helps.
Dr Geeta