It all started 2 months ago when I noticed a lot of red tiny spots on my skin. They started developing quickly on my back, on my arms and and on my abdomen. I freaked out and I started searching the Internet for an answer and found a lot of terrible deseases like leukemia, lupus and vasculitis and this only freaked me out more. Then I went to a dermatologist who told me there was nothing to worry about because they are cherry angiomas. I came home started searching the Internet again for more information related to cherry agiomas and I found out that these kind of spots do not disspear. I have indeed some spots that do not dissapear and look more like little moles and probably they really are cherry angiomas but I also have some simillar spots that do disspear after a couple of days. I also have some small broken cappilaries on my face, under my eyes. I'm only 22 and I read that this usually happens to elder people. Furthermore, what it's really concerning me is that that the doctor asked me if that kind of spots appeared in my mouth also. At that moment I did not have anything like this in my mouth but this morning I noticed about 3 or 4 little red spots in my mouth, on my cheek. I also mention that I had by blood test done and the CBC is normal, I have no low platelets. I am really scared, if these are petechiae, what could be the cause, what should I do?