Hello, I am 55 and have had the same symptoms and episodes since 28. Numerous tests and lab work thruout the yrs have been done with no specific results - bloodwork is normal except once I tested pos for auto-immune. Every March, August and November like clockwork I run a low grade fever for 7-18 days, achey joints, severe fatigue and get little pinpoint size blisters? bumps? all over my body that do not itch but if broken open have clear liquid in them, I also sometimes get a mild rash. I eat healthy, take long walks daily with the dogs and am generally in good health, never catching the flu or colds, but this odd series of symptoms come every few months and can last a week to several weeks. I am also very sensitive to any preservatives or pesticides in food and get an immediate reaction of severe headache and diarrhea if I eat something wrong. ?????