Hello, can you please help me...i had a car accident just over 3years ago and i finally had an MRI recently, through the solicitor dealing with the ongoing claim. The orthopedic surgeon concluded that my pain is age related from the MRI result. This can't be true surely? I'm 36, never had the pain before the accident and it is still in the same spot. The MRI read...At the C3-C4 level there is disc bulging compressing mildly the thecal sac, narrowing mildly the right exit foramen.
At the same level there is mild hypertrophy of the right uncovertebral joint.
At the C4-C5 level there is disc bulging associated with sball posterior osteophytes and mild hypertrophy of the uncovertebral joints compressing mildly the thecal sac, narrowing mildly the exit foramina.
At the C6-C7 level there is a mild bulging associated with smaller posterior osteophytes, compressing mildly the thecal sac.
The spinal cord returns normal signal.
The craniocervical junction is unremarkable.
There are mild diffuse signal changes involving the D2 vertebral body that could be of degenerative origin.
Small hemagioma of the D1 vertebral body.
There is straightening of the cervical spine.
Can you please advise me if you think the accident would of lead to these problems?? Thank you