Thanks for your question. I do understand your pain and discomfort. I have seen many cases with similar complaints. Please find my advice below-:it is called perimenopause or around menopause .once you have gone through 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period,you have officially reached menopause and the perimenopause will be over.
1)Take (PREMELLE CYCLE tab) daily one up to 3 month for
hot flash,
mood swing,night sweet.
vaginal dryness by using
astroglide lubricants.
3)Take a low fat,high fiber that is rich in fruits ,vegetables and whole grains.
4)Take 4-BONE softgel for calcium loss during this time and it should be regular.
5)do regular exercise daly-regular exercise and physical activity helps prevent weight gain,improves your sleep and elevates your mood.try to exercise for 30 mins or more on most days of week ,although not right before bedtime.regular exercise has been shown to reduce
hip fracture risk in women and to strengthen
bone density.
6)try to avoid tea and coffee and keep a consistent sleep schedule .
Yoga and Pranayam daily to relax your body and mind.
Do it any help let me know
I hope I was able to address your query. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to write to me.
Wishing you all the best.