So for the past two weeks I have had common pregnancy symptoms, bloating, sore breasts, nausea, vomiting, tons of gagging... My partner and I had unprotected intercourse the 31st of October then the 4th and 6th of November. My period was due the 7th and did not arrive until late the night of the 9th, it lasted until the 13th but was not heavy as it normally is, I could go all day without having to change a tampon when I usually have to change one within 4-6 hours. I took an hpt on the 15th and it was negative. 3 days after AF was over on the 16th I had slight cramping with spotting but only when wiping (sorry), this lasted til the 19th and was only once or twice a day. Since then I have had some slight cramping and constantly running back and forth to urinate. Even after I urinate I feel like I could go pain, burning, or blood so I figured it isn t a uti. My breasts aren t really sore anymore but still bloated with constant urination, and nausea/gagging/vomiting. What do you think is going on?