As you mentioned that there is burning sensation pain in right lower abdominal area , radiating to belly button.
Appendix is ruled out in my opinion because in appendicular pain there is excruciating pain at typical point known as McBurney point and not radiate to belly button . Usually in
appendicitis there are nausea , fever ,
vomiting .
So this type of pain in your case may be due to these possibilities , these includes.
1 Right renal calculus as pain is also radiating to
hip bone ,so this is a characteristic feature of renal calculus . Diagnosis can be confirmed by
ultrasound of both kidney. However pain anywhere in
urinary tract system causes pain in this area.
Ovarian cyst or
salpingitis is the another most common cause of this type of pain . Get in an ultrasound of both ovaries .
3 Amoebic colitis is another cause of such pain , so please get in blood as stool examination to rule out amoebic colitis . In this case physical examination also play an important role .
Hip joint pain is also once such cause , besides this there are so many other causes , so in my opinion deal as I mentioned above and consult a physician and get his opinion as physical examination will find the exact disease.
Good luck.