Thanks for your query and an elucidate history.
Your history of colectomy on the right,
colonoscopy with biopsy reports and ulcers noted.
The swelling on the right side of the abdomen after right hemicolectomy is definitely due to
intestinal obstruction, one of the most important complications after intra-
abdominal surgery.
I would advise you the following:
-First of all the simple test of X-ray of the abdomen in standing position whenever you have bloating gives the best idea.
-Enteroclysis by
Barium meal or enema will help further diagnosis.
-CT scan to rule out Gastrointestinal cancers.
-IF the findings are positive you have to go for exploratory Laparotomy /
Laparoscopy and get corrected the problem.
you will be fine.
-Maintain proper levels of blood proteins and hemoglobin to have the best possible results.