thanks for using health care magic
It is likely that you are suffering from a
peptic ulcer disease (PUD).
PUD is a disease in which there is irritation of the gastric or duodenal
mucosal wall.
Earlier satiety, bloating,, vomiting, pains after eating etc. are all symptoms
that could be found in patients with PUD.
Pepper in particular is known to aggravate PUD. Other food stuffs like unripe plantains, alcohol in any form etc are known to increase PUD as well. Other things that could aggravate PUD include
-prolong starving,
-cigarette smoking
-certain drugs like pain killers including Aspirin,
ibuprofen etc.
-infection with the bacteria H. pylori.
PUD is treated with variety of drugs depending on the severity
ranitidine, antacids etc. are all useful as well as
changes in habits.
Best regards
Dr Achuo