Had a serious MVA in June - 43 year old woman. Never had back/neck pain prior to. Since I have had chronic pain, am on T1s, celebrex, and anti anxiety meds (lorazapam). I am now starting to have bladder leakage and the pain is so intense in upper and lower back - numbness in arms on and off, glutes kill me, I can't walk for more than 10 - 15 minutes without extreme pain. I am also starting to have difficulty breathing, on and off.
Cervical and Lumbard MRIs state:
Cervical Spine:
1. Moderate marginal lipping
2. Bulky eccentric disc osteophyte
3. Unconvertebral spurring
4. Moderate facet changes
5. Severe neuroforaminal stenosis
6. Moderate eccentric canal stenosis
7. Mild kyphotic reversal in lower cervical spine
8. Mild central stenosis
9. Bulky marginal osteophyte anteriorly
10. Advanced DDD lower cervical spine
11. Eccentric neuroformaminal stenosis C6 – C7 with central canal stenosis
Lumbar Spine:
1. Disc desiccation at L3 –L4 and L5 – S1 discs
2. L3 – L4 - Moderate disc space narrowing with an annular tear seen
3. Moderate bilateral facet joint degenerative changes
4. Mild ligamentum flavum hypertrophy noted
5. Mild bilateral neural formaminal stenosis
6. L4 – L5 – Moderate right facet joint degenerative change with mild ligamentum flavum hypertrophy. Mild bilateral neural formaminal stenosis slightly worse on left side.
7. L5 –S1 – Severe disc narrowing with Modic type II changes at the endplates. Small bony fragment seen off of the anterior aspect of the S1 vertebra which appears well corticated. Could be a limbus vertebra which would be slightly unusual in location.
8. There is moderate diffuse disc bulge with a focal central disc protrusion and an annular tear. Disc abuts the left traversing S1 nerve root in the lateral recess. Mild right facet joint degenerative change. Ligamentum flavum hypertrophy noted. Severe bilateral neural froanimal stenosis with compression of the exiting L5 nerve roots bilaterally.
EMG states there is neurological damage in elbow as well...