38 year old female, 4 weeks of bloating, nausea, pain, vomiting, lost 22 lbs. Have not had any solid food in weeks, living on Ensure which is now giving me diarrhea. So far they tell me all labs are ok except my CRP is elevated. Abdominal US showed an enlarged liver at 19cm with heterorgenous echotexture? Something like that. Abdominal CT scan showed a new 5 mm nodule in right lung base area, and some diverticuli without evidence of diverticulitis. UGI with SBFT was essentially normal except it showed severe degenerative changes in my spine and ileosacrial joints. Just had an EGD done and doc said it showed inflammation in the beginning of my small intestine and started me on Prislosec. Stool cultures so far show inflammatory cells? and one more is pending. No gallbladder or appendix. Severe bloating and RUG pain to the point of taking my breath away when I lean forward. Feels as thoug something inside of me is strangling itself when I bend forward. Happens frequently and did this morning and made me vomit at the same time. Any ideas or suggestions?ka