Hello dear
Understand your concern.
Following are the causes of your problem:
Urinary tract infection, cystitis,
Severe dehydration,
Glomerulonephritis and hydronephritis, stone in urinary tract, Cancer: blood, urinary tract, Prostatitis, prostate enlargement,
Blood disorder like hemophilia, Muscle strain or injury, food allergy, drugs like primaquiene, sulfa drugs
Consult the
urologist and undergo following tests:
Urine routine, microscopic and culture
Pelvic USG, IVP study
CBC, ESR, Urea, creatinine, Coagulation factors, BT/CT
Drink plenty of water
Take healthy diet with adquete vitamin and minerals
Tablet septran
Urine alkali agent : potassium citrate
Hope this may help you.
Best regards
Dr. Sagar