my name is Don, I am 53 years old, and broke two bones in my left foot when I was 50, kickboxing. as a result of that injury I was diagnosed as having two blood clots in both of the veins in my left calf. I was on warfarin and have since been on 82 mg of baby aspirin, since I was told I would have to do that for the rest of my life....I was running three miles this morning, and about two miles in I felt a large pain in my left calf, I didn t trip or fall or feel a snap or a pop, but it hurt enough to effect my it possible the blood clots have returned, it doesn t feel like a pulled muscle, and the amount of pain changes when I walk or not walk, no rhyme or reason.........if so, what should I do to have it checked? I was told that clots cause scaring and a sonogram wouldn t be able to tell the difference? is that true?