I have been taking Xeralto since Jan of this year. Yesterday, I started with warfarin because it is cheaper. I have had pulmonary embolism in my lungs once. the end of December, 2015. I have been told that I have pulmonary hypertension, but no reason why. I had a sonogram done in April, on my legs, which showed that there are more blood clots in my legs. This is after taking Xeralto for almost 4 months. I do not think there should be any kind of clots with medicine. In the last 5 days every joint in my body hurts to the touch. In my shoulder, wrists, fingers, ankles, feet and back. I have two questions- Could a blood disorder be the reason my blood coagulates so much? and Does Warfarin or Xeralto cause the joint pains I have. On a scale of 1 to 10 the pain is at least an 8 and often a 9. I believe my Mom had some kind of blood disorder that caused her to have blood clots. Please HELP!