I have noticed in the last 4 months or so that when I drink, I have bright red blood in my stools the next day. I have also been having severe symtoms in my stomach. I was having nausea every day, and when I ate it made my stomach hurt. It got so bad I left work to go straight to the doctor. By this time I had stopped drinking any type of alcohol. I have had acid refulx for quite a few years and have been taking antacids for years to control it. The doctor I saw was an internal medicine doctor. I told her that I had been on a low carb diet for 2 years, and using a lot of products with aspartame. I thought the aspartame was causing all of my stomach symtoms, but I believed the blood in my stools were from the drinking. She did not believe the stomach problems were caused by the aspartame, and told me she believes I have gastritis. She prescrivbed Nexium (expensive) and it helped a lot. I haven't refilled it and am taking over the counter antacids and see that I actually need the Nexium because my sotmach problems are coming back. I have been watching my alochol consumption and haven't had any issues until the other day. I had one drink with one shot of rum in the drink and the next morning, there was blood in my stool, and a lot of gas and air. This morning there was still a lot of gas and air, but no blood. I know I have several issues going on, but what causes the blood when drinking liquor? I don't have this problem when I drink beer.