Hello, I really hope you are able to help. About 4 months ago I got a cluster of little red bumps near the lower area of my butt. Initially I thought they were heat rash because I play a lot of sports. I thought the best thing to do would be put alochol to dry the itchy bumps up. However that seemed to make it worse. Now the cluster has spread out and is up and down my butt cheeks. The bumps are not itchy anymore, but have changed. They are now not all clustered and most are bigger like the size of a regular pimple . They also look like they are pus filled or need to pop. So, I though maybe they just need to be popped and drained. This is where I get confused. Each time I pop these pimple like bumps, not pus comes out, but something that looks like a little white bead or ball or sack. Then afterwards each bump I have popped this way bleeds like crazy. Strange thing! They dont clear up, they just keep coming back. They are not itchy, just super annoying and ugly, and wont go away. I dont know what caused this but I am an athlete and also moved to a new house recently and had sat n the bathtub and noticed the bumps in a similar location to where my cheeks would b on the tub. I just kept thinking it would go away, but its been 4 months now. Ive tried, ointment, tea tree oil, scrubs, bodywash, alochol, peroxide ...no relief