Hi, I have extremely small (pimple sized) bump underneath the skin on my right nose/eye near where I guess you would say the tear duct is. There is a slightly darker color in that area, and although it is hard to see, you can feel it clearly under the skin. I am going to see my eye surgeon soon anyway, but I want to know what this might be while I am waiting to calm my questions and any advice you may provide. Now for some important background history. I am 33 years old, and had an extremely rare and aggressive case of Rhabdomyosarcoma in the same area diagnosed in January 2012, and have been out of treatment now for about 21 months. I had aggressive surgeries, chemo, and radiation in 2012. The cancer was primarily in the sinus area, but deteriorated the bone between the sinuses and eye area went slightly into the eye area as well as spreading to the lymph nodes in my neck. Most of the surgery (minus the neck dissection) was performed endoscopicaly, but there was an incision next to my eye and the lump is right next to the incision line. I also have issues with that eye due to the radiation to include cornea issues (dry eyes scratches), and retina issues including macula edema, and blood circulation which causes my vision to be very blurry already (around 20/80 at best uncorrectable w/ glasses). Furthermore I have been sick lately for the last month or so where I have been very nauseous, and have had a bad cough, headaches, and weak but without much of a fever, and towards the end of last week I developed shingles on my back and chest for which I am now taking medication. I could write a lecture about my medical history, but I think this is sufficient to ask the question. The lump is very small has some pain to the touch, and is very hard. It almost feels like a tiny screw underneath the skin. A week or two ago, I also noticed a whitening around the corner of my eye that was not normal, but is no longer there. I get scanned every 3 months still, and just had an MRI of the brain with and without galadium on Friday (still have not received the results yet), but this feels like something small that wouldn t show up in a scan anyways. Is this nothing to be worried about; what could this be?