Ii am suffering from 1.pain in left side of lower abdomen going to scrotal area(left). 2. burning sensation after urination and masturbation more so after masturbation. 3. pain in rectal bone( 4.cough- chest congestion 5.inflamation in sore 6.feeling of thirst always 7.mild fever in day time( not more than 99.6 degree farenheit) 8.chronic constipation since several years. no loss of appetite, gained weight in three months of illness, consumed many antibiotics like norfloxacin, azithrimycin,peniciline injection,ciprofloxacin with no sign of improvement. Several reports 1. nothing is detected in urine culture. (performed 6 times). 4-5 pus cells seen in urine. 2. all blood reports quite normal. .only abnormality is in ESR which is mildly increased. 3.sperm culture -no pathogen found. Sperm routine: 8-9 pus cell found 4.sperm count is low ; mobility reduced 5.ultrasound and xray of lower abdomen normal 6.ultrasound of testes,epidydamis ie scrotum nomal sir i didnt had any sexual contact till this time. But was in habbit of overmasturbation even 3 times in a day for several years. the prob started with this only I guess..i am in deep trouble as doctors are not able to recognise the disease.some have opinion that i may have protatitis .