At the end of the first week of January, I was eating some medium sized shrimp and some part of the scale got caught in the right side of my throat. It hurt a bit, but I had allot on my mind and much to do, so I just put it on the back burner. The a few days later I began burping/belching allot feeling a lump in my stomach area or throat until I burped. This condition has morphed into only throat lumps until I burp, but that side of my throat seems to feel slightly different than the left side. It is now almost the middle of February and I still burp and about a week ago I began to have a very painful muscle spasm close to the spine/on the right side/just below the area between my two shoulder blades. The muscle pain has now morphed into what feels like a painful skin condition. I have done some research and thought it might be GERD, but I have no indigestion and my burping and lump sensation gets better when I lie down – not worse. I have never had any of these things is just some weird coincidence or could there be a connection between any or all?