Hi, Thanks for your query.
After going through your query I came to know that you are suffering from chronic
backache. It may be due to vitamin and trace element deficiencies specially vitamin D and vitamin B 12. You need to done
MRI to rule uot other causes.
Back exercises, neurotropics such as mecobalamine and analgesics (
Sometimes vitamin D deficiency can aggravate this so serum vitamin D test is advised if it is low than vitamin D supplementation will be required.
Avoid long continuous standing.
Sit in a straight posture. Eat milk, fruits and green leafy vegetables daily.
You are also having bleeding problem .You may require iron preparation as blood loss may cause
iron deficiency.You also has foul smelling discharge indicating infection , so you may need antibiotics to control it after culture and sensitivity.
You can discuss with your treating Doctor about it. I do hope that you have found something helpful and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care.