Hello, It all started at mid 2012, started getting overweight, then my left foot kept getting numb sometimes, then my left hand too. After laboratory studies, doctors said I had triglycerides high and uric acid. Starting getting scary heart palpitations sometimes. Kept on meds. Months later, lots of heartburn took place and I was diagnosed GERD and chronic gastritis after an endoscopy. Im on a daly omeprazol. Then, mid left mild abdomen started hurting daily, doctors say it is collitis. An ultrasound revealed swollen collon.
In august 2013, I started getting a disconfort in neck while turning my head left. After months, it turned to numbness, and now my left cheek, upper left neck, and the left edge of my lips go numb sometimes (scary). Doctor prescribed B12 vytamins (no effect I guess). Sometimes my mid back burns and I cant understand why. I am being under constant stress (money).
Scared went to an Internist, he ordered contrast and simple CT scans of neck and chest. Neck came up with lots of swollen lymph nodes, chest with something between the discs that suggested ostheoartritis, and a hyatal hernia.
2 years have passed after all this started, my current situation is: Left foot, and hand sometimes numb, upper left neck goes sometimes numb along with left side of my face, im on gerd meds (omeprazole) 1 pill daily, left side of abdomen hurts everyday (mild pain very tolerable but it is there), no more heart palpitations. I have smoked for 20 years, sometimes I dont sleep my 8 hours, only 3-4 because of work and other issues, im overweight more like bloated, Im 35 years old, i am 1.85 meters tall and 111 kg. I started gym today.
I dont have any clues why my left face and neck go numb, it is too scary. Any clues/advice? Thanks.