Hello and welcome.
Bacteria belonging to genus
Borrelia are responsible for causing lyme disease. An infected Tick usually transmits the disease.
The concept of
Chronic Lyme Disease is controversial, most modern medical centres in the world refuse its acceptance. If the symptoms persist after a comprehensive antibiotic treatment then disease is called Post Treatment
Lyme Disease Syndrome or PTLDS. Long term antibiotics is not recommended for PTLDS.
The symptoms you have mentioned are quite often seen in PTLDS.
I would recommend the following.
1. Keep your treating physician informed of your symptoms.
2. Maintain a diary for symptoms, lifestyle habits, sleep, diet, excercise.
3. Eat healthy balanced diet and have plenty of rest. Do not try supplements over the internet without consulting your doctor.
4. Get treatment symptomatic as and when needed.
Hope I answered your queries.
Thank you so much.
Take care.