I have delevloped pain pretty much throughout my body over the past 6 to 8 months. My chiropractor and a spine specialist have both pointed to some stenosis in the cervical and lumbar spine. With the lumbar being more severe and probably causing sciatica symptoms in my buttocks and legs. However, I am also having pain through my neck, shoulders, arms, and wrists. Since I am on Plavix after a heart attack in November, I can t take anti-inflamm itory drugs, so I pretty much just take tylenol, and ice the areas when I can. I do some stretching exercises, but they are so painful, I can t do much. I do swim each morning, and it seems to help some. In addition, I have lost 25 pounds over this period, without trying to. Everyone keeps saying I look so thin, and wonder what is wrong. Is it possible I have some auto-imune system disease? I dd have a blood test for Lyme disease, which came back negative.