My son who is 15 has been suffering chronic stomach pain for the last 6 to 7 years. At first his symptoms were fever and stomach pain, centrally located. As he got older the fevers went away but stomach pain did not. Then he started getting canker sores along with stomach pain, but not just a few, like 10 or more at a time. On his lips, gums, tongue, back of throat, really painful. But the thing is, these flare ups, as I now call them, are almost cyclical. They happen or come about almost every 4 to 6 weeks, the symptoms last for a week at least, then dissipate. And then he is fine. He has had upper, lower endosopies, swallowed a camera pill, allergy tests, gluten tests, with absolutely no results. He was tested for Celiac disease, Chron s disease to no avail. He definitely has weakened immune sysytem. I have had Naturopath tell me his stomach lining is stripped from anibiotics he took as a child. Any thoughts? We are frustrated and sick and tired of him being sick and tired. Going to see specialist at University of Chicago next. Would love to hear any thoughts or opinions.