Hi. I have a question concerning ventrilomegaly/hydrocephalus. At my 20 week ultrasound, it was determined that my daughter s lateral ventricles were enlarged to 10.4 mm (borderline/mild ventrilomegaly). We had a fetal MRI 3 weeks later, which determined she had no detectable brain damage. 10.4 mm was the highest her ventricles ever measured and within a month or two they were back to normal, around 7 mm, and remained that way until the end of my pregnancy. I always thought she should have been checked after birth, but doctors disagreed, saying she seemed fine . At birth, her head measured 13.4 in (around 30th percentile I think). Her head now, at 9 months, is 19 in (above 97th). Her fontalel is still open, but not bulging. Her eyes are not downcast. She does not vomit. But I have noticed several things for MONTHS, that doctors are unwilling to take seriously. She pulls at her right ear constantly. Her jaw pops. Her left side seems to develop more quickly than her right (it does seem to eventually catch up). When she walks (holding onto my fingers) her right foot is pointed outward and seems to drag a little. The muscle tone on her right leg seems stiff as well. She does crawl (started 2-3 weeks ago), but rarely rolls. She has drooled excessively since she was four months old (around the same time I noticed ear pulling/jaw popping). Doctors keep saying this is probably related to teething, but alas...still no teeth. The veins on either side of her forehead near temples are apparent, even though her skin is quite dark (I am white, her father is Zimbabwean). The only physical milestone she has hit on time was sitting (5.5 months) but she still topples backwards occasionally. Oh, and her forehead bulges slightly. It protrudes out further than her nose/cheeks. And no, the back of her head is not flat from lying on it. Perfectly round. So, should we be concerned? Are these symptoms worrisome, or am I being paranoid? Can ventrilomegaly work itself out in utero, but swell again after birth? Oh, forgot to mention she is normally a VERY happy go lucky baby. She has been irritable and crying almost constantly unless I m holding her for 2 weeks.