Hi doctor,
I had an early ultrasound report which concluded very early intrauterine gestational sac of 4 weeks 6 day , sac measures 9.8mm as on 21.02.2014.No feotal pole is visible, chorio decidual reaction prominebt around the sac.both adenexae are clear .right ovary measures (27x17)mm, left ovary measures (29x19)mm. no SOL seen.I have been having light bleeding sice the last 2 weeks and is still continuing.previously the bleeding was brown in colour and gradually it is becoming dark red.at times tiny lumps are are coming out.i am having the following medicines- Acetyl salicylic acid- 1 tablet after lunch,, Susten 200-1 tablet after dinner, duphaston-1 tablet each after lunch and dinner and zincovit. i am having lower back pain little morning sickness and loss of apetite ocassionally. kindly advice whether this bleeding is a cause of concern