Thanks for writing to Health Care Magic, I am Dr Asad Riaz, I have closely read your question and I understand your concerns, I will hereby guide you regarding your health related problem.
leg pain in this can be due to many reasns like can be due to drugs,electrolytes prob,either complication of pocedure like
cholesterol emboli...if u were my pateint i would like to tae detail history abut pain when do u feel n when it strt that i strt after procedure it is most like due to cholesterol
embolism which is a comlication of coronary
angiography,,will ask about recent drug use like antibiotics bcs some antibiotic interfere with stattin n lead to muscle rupture n pain n do exxam n run some test like electrolytes esp mg n potasium that their abnorality can lead to cramps ,cpk to rue muscle inury due to
statin n rfts n lfts n then will mange u accorndgly
I hope this answered your question, if you have more feel free to ask.
Dr.Asad Riaz.
General and Family Physician.