Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
I am a physician from the US, and I am very suspicious that you may have a disease called a
thrombophilia, which is a tendency for your blood to clot too easily while you are pregnant. Some inherited clotting disorders, as well as some autoimmune diseases can cause this problem. This can be diagnosed with a series of blood tests, which may not be available in your country. but . The fact that your doctor treated you with aspirin during your pregnancy also leans to the diagnosis, however you may need injectable blood thinners to achieve a level that would be high enough to prevent clots in the placenta that can cause abruption and
fetal death.
Unfortunately, with your history, without treatment your risk of fetal complications is still extremely high. You really should be managed by a high risk specialist and have regular ultrasound monitoring of your placenta and the baby's growth, and possible early delivery. You likely would need an injectable blood thinner that is stronger than aspirin, or possibly high-dose
folic acid treatment, or both. If you have a thrombophilia, you yourself are at risk of
blood clots in your legs or even lungs that can put your own health at risk.
If you are able to see a doctor who specialized in problems of the blood (a
hematologist) they may be able to do the tests. If you were my patient, I would test you for Protein C and S deficiency, Antiphospholipid and Anticardiolipin antibodies, Factor 5 Leyden deficiency, MTHFR mutation,
Antithrombin 3 deficiency as well as a
platelet count. There are other conditions that can cause these diseases as well that are rarer but these tests are a start.
I sincerely hope you are able to get access to the proper evaluation of your condition and that you find a doctor who can properly care for you in this very high risk pregnancy situation.
Sincerely, Dr. Brown