Hello dear,
I understand your concern.
In my opinion there are various causes for delayed period other than
They are
hormonal abnormalities like
thyroid abnormalities,polycystic ovarian disease(PCOD),
overweight,obesity,stress, anaemia etc.
As per your history I would suggest you to rule out the above abnormalities by getting done the necessary investigations like thyroid profile ,
ultrasound and Hb.
Thyroid profile rules out the thyroid problems,ultrasound for PCOD and Hb to rule out anaemia.
I would like you to see the doctor as you might need medicines for withdrawal bleeding as it is not pregnancy.
Avoid stress if any and weight reduction is helpful in case of you are overweight or obesity.
Nothing to worry.Cycles become regular once the cause is treated.
Hope this helps.
Best regards...Dr.Srilatha