Hi, I m a 48 yr old female. 5 5 160 lbs. Pretty active. I run 2-3 x per week, go to gym, hike weekly, walk daily. No known health issues. I have the occasional bouts of vertigo which has been ongoing for 20+ years - no cause ever found. For about 4-6 weeks now Ive been experiencing lightheadedness, dizziness, abnormal fatigue and jelly legs . I have not passed out and continue to run through it, hike through it, etc with no negative outcomes. It is more of an annoyance at this point. I have tried drinking more water, eating less sugar and getting more rest but still have symptoms. I went through this back in my 20 s and after all tests came back negative they ruled as anxiety. Eventually it went away. I really dont want to go through that again if not needed (insurance is no where near as good now in what it covers) to be told anxiety. I have what I would call normal level of anxiety, do not feel overly stressed or overly anxious on a regular basis.