Happy Thanksgiving. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1991. Starting about 2006, I started having auras. In 2010 I had my first grand maul seizure. I tried many different seizure medications and found only one, Keppra (brand name only) that worked for me. This is the first time I input all my medications into the database that will check for interactions. Let me rephrase that, this is the first time I remember looking at all the results from inputting my medications. I ve been taking baclofen for years and I also have an intrathecal baclofen pump. I take diazepam also. In the past I was taking Zoloft for depression (and I m continuing it for some reason?) I was in Georgetown Hospital for 3 days in early November to be monitored for seizures. And yes, I had one in the middle of the night and my oxygen monitor when beating wildly. None of this woke me up because I sleep with earplugs in my ears. Per the doctor s instructions, I am slowly increasing my Keppra from 500 milligrams to 1000 milligrams. I am currently taking 750 milligrams twice a day and I still notice that I have seizures because I wake up with a fuzzy head and my headaches in the morning are worse. Could this be because of a drug interaction?