Good afternoon sir. I just wanna make some enquiries. I got slapped heavily(at my right ear) 3 days ago and immediately I noticed I couldn't hear clearly, but over time, I started to hear sounds faintly, when I tried to block my left ear and concentrate on the right ear to know how good I can hear sounds, I noticed my hearing ability was improving steadily. Not until I was having my bath and water went down my ears, I felt the blockage again. I tried to sleep at night with the affected side turned down. I felt a sensation on my head, like when a drum is being beaten on my head, but it's just a temporary sensation. Afterwards, I noticed water coming out of my ear, I got hold of a cotton swab to clean my ear and I noticed a small blood stained the cotton swab, it stopped few minutes later. But the problem is I can't hear faint sounds as before, I can hear though. Please i need your help, what do I do?