I am facing a hectic probelm of my penis external skin dry and eventually i get my penis skin broken. I applied many lubricant like, baby oil, vaseline, nivea etc. Its appeard first, I think after using a condomn. I get itching inside my foreskin around ring. Upon the penis skin after the drynes it makes small circle spots and colour is changing and looks like wound healed area. Also i got broken skin in my back pass area and i used cavilon spray and it gets healed. But in the penis the dryness and duly when i try to pull the foreskin its get more tight and breaks the skin. I am really worring to have sex as well. I do smoke and drink. Last few weeks i used wines as well. Could you please explain me what is it ? Is it any type of STD ? What medicine i should apply ? Your kind advise highly appreciated